Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

LEARNING ENGLISH (Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

The first time I learned English in school kindergarten. There I learned to count with English numbers one to read one, number two read two and so on. Know the fruit in English Pisang is a banana, an Jeruk is orange. And get to know the equipment, clothes, pants, rooms in the English language support.

Once I was in elementary school. Class 1, I learned still learn to count, recognize equipment, clothing, ruangn in English. Class 2 study mentions a father, mother, uncle, aunt, nephew, grandfather, grandmother in English. Class 3 learn to know the time or the hour. Grade 4 learning How are you ?, How do you spell that? What is your name ?, introducing yourself, getting to know the numbers, what color is it ?, Thing in the classroom, commands at school, and what do you do? 5th grade started to learn what time is it ?, What day is it today ?, when were you born, parts of body, family tree. Class 6 started learning, what does she look like, she has a pointed, and I feel happy.

Once I was in Junior High School bench. I learned about How are you ?, it's me, it's My birthday, I love the people around me, how many pets do you have?, let's listen to the songs, I love the things around me, she's so nice, my grandfather is a doctor , attention, please !, I am proud of my teacher, classroom language for teachers. Not only to learn but we are learning the oral test. Each learning English fun, excited but when it's exam sense dag dig dug.

Once I step stool High School. I learned English Expressions, taxts and grammar. Subject matter and on the bench I learn English. Learning English fun, fun, but it can sometimes be difficult. From elementary school, junior high schools, high school and college Until we learn English.

How happy could learn English. Hopefully in the future the people of Indonesia can feel the importance of learning English. Because I was sorry not really like the first time the English language school. But since college I realized the importance of the English language. Due to the provision of our work later. Who knows, we are working in foreign companies.

Hopefully Indonesian society can realize the importance of learning English. Hopefully the younger generation can learn English pride for lunch later work. And hopefully after graduating from college to work in the company every day wear English. Because I am very happy to be learning English. Although I love learning English but I really love my language since birth is Indonesian.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015


Oppression or bully have often heard in our ears. Not only in Indonesia around the world were no such thing as repression. Perpetrators and victims are not only adults but of elementary school children. Often we hear it because of the association of oppression today are increasingly present.

In the elementary school level often we hear of oppression. The first with mocking names of parents who think their names are very antiquity and eventually the name was so ridicule them. The second mock parents work.

There are still cases of school violence makes us sad to hear it. His case may be trivial, like starting from taunted each other, perspective-view, to end up being bullying. What is meant by bullying is an action which affects the victims a sense intimidated, scared, and depressed because performed by actors use power repeatedly.

Relation to bullying in schools, this can be done by individuals to individuals, groups of individuals or groups to all groups. Not infrequently occur from teacher to student. The goal was to demonstrate power to others. Many factors trigger on a person to commit acts of bullying.

It could be due to internal factors the family, in this case is the relationship of parents at home who has a type like cursing, comparing or physical violence so that children often see and justify acts of violence to intimidate someone. Making those individual behaviors, low self-esteem or grumpy. These factors are often psychologically disturbed and the child will trigger to intimidate someone.

In addition to the parents, friends can also be a trigger. So that was considered cool, kids chimed be doing violence. The child usually has the property of showing off, seeking attention for his actions that are considered to exist in the environment. The goal was all his or intended person must submit and succumb to her. There is a trigger factor that makes a child to become a party to bullying, one of the biggest triggers is often watch or show the spectacle of violence.

To deal with children who are oppressed or victims of violence needs to be taken seriously. Wise approach from heart to heart and knowing as it should we as parents should behave towards our children. The bottom line is the psychological effect that continued as they grew up. Because the power of the mind that had haunted their behavior is very strong.
They divert kesebuah positive activities such as spiritual activities, extracurricular is a smart solution. Where we as parents wisely can continuously monitor and assist in ritun time when they in golden growth period in order to grow flowers well, feel safe and comfortable in their education to pursue.
The following cases which had horrendous bullying in the news and it is very sad for the victims of this bullying.

Amanda Todd Estella on Youtube Before Death

Amanda Todd (15 years) is also the most distressing examples of teenagers who are victims of bullying at school. He is a high school student in grade 10 Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. Over the years, Amanda bullied in his school friends, either directly or via the internet. Amanda even had to change schools to escape oppression, but they still insulted him in the internet media.
Last year, Amanda vent about his ordeal with menggunggah video to youtube. He wrote word for word on a piece of paper so as to form a story. Shortly thereafter, he was determined to end his life on October 10, 2012. Since then, this video diunggahnya viral spread until the end of the year.

Just as some states in the United States, the Government of Canada is also concerned about this case. Amanda's death was not in vain, because the Government of Canada then issued a law about cyber-bullying, so as not to appear again similar events. Perpetrators, including students, remain subject to severe criminal sanctions. Carol Todd, Amanda's mother, even making NGO named Amanda Todd Trust, which is ready to help the victims of bullying and actively engage in anti-bullying campaign.

Carlos Vigil Post Mail Suicide On Twitter

If you see the face of Carlos Vigil (17 years) in the photo above, certainly can feel how streaks of sadness imprinted. For three years, adolescents who live in Valencia County, New Mexico, United States, is mocked his friends just because of acne and wearing glasses. In fact, he is considered a gay.
Virgil Ray, the father, was furious to hear his son treated like this, prompting local authorities to issue regulations on criminal sanctions against the perpetrators of bullying. On July 13, 2013, because it really can not stand being bullied constantly, Carlos wrote and posted a suicide note via Twitter account.

As shown in the above text, Carlos actually apologized to his friends the years hurt him. "I was the one who got no injustice in this world, and it's time for me to leave this world," he wrote. Carlos also asked his friends not to cry over the decision. He even apologized for not being able to love someone, or make seseseorang love.

"My friends at school really. I am a loser, strange, homo, and entirely unacceptable to others. I'm sorry for not being able to make someone proud. I'm free now. Xoxo, "said Carlos ended his letter.

When her post the article, Ray Vigil actually being in North Carolina and talk to the local parliament to discuss bill on anti-bullying. So read his posts, Ray went straight home. Unfortunately, he was too late. Once in the house, he saw his son was dead.

Izzi Dix Poetry Suicide
Before the suicide, Izzi Dix (14 years) wrote a poem containing confidante when in-bully classmates. After he died, his poetry deliberately disseminated Gabbie DiXX, his mother, so that no more people who practice bullying, because the impact is very bad for the victim.

"Perhaps many do not like this poem. But this is what is in the mind of my daughter before committing early. I want all teenagers are more thinking about the dangers of bullying before he did it, "said Gabbie.

This poem was written Izzi after he came to the party that made her friends, and she got a very bad treatment. Here's the poem:

They push me away. I stand still. My eyes glazed and absent.
They start to ask questions, As to why I am there.
They begin to tell me that nobody wants me there.
They tell me to leave and that I am not wanted.
Not there, not anywhere ...

Ryan and Amber Writing Letter To Santa Claus

Ryan and Amber are twins of different sexes and 8 years old. One day, Ryan wrote a letter to Santa Claus (Santa Claus), about the ill-treatment of his friends against Amber:

"Dear Santa. Mother told me to send a letter for a list of requests on Christmas Day. I would like toy cars and a helicopter, but I do not want it anymore. Children in school continue to treat Amber badly, and it's not fair. I have prayed to God, but it seems he is busy and I need your help. "
The contents of this letter seems funny, but it is actually very touching. With innocence, Ryan no longer want a variety of toys. He actually provide tremendous empathy towards its twin, Amber, who is constantly bullied at his school friends.

Amber always mocked his friends as a little girl fat and hyperactivity. Of the reading of this letter is not Santa Claus, but his own mother. Thanks to a letter from Ryan, Mom immediately take action to save Amber from these bullying practices, that is, move to another school.

Whitney Kropp dikerjain As Queen Party

This story may be trivial, but try you (especially girls) are at the Whitney Kropp. 16-year-old girl's school in the Ogemaw Heights High School, one of the high school is quite well known in the area of ​​West Branch, Michigan, United States.

Towards held a big party at his school, his friends notified Whitney crowned as queen of the party, was asked to dress up as pretty as possible so that when the party later. Who would not be proud to be chosen queen of the party? So, Whitney was dressed up. In fact, she bought a new dress and shoes, and went to an expensive salon, so its appearance looks beautiful like a royal princess.

When the party was held, Whitney who already dress up this pretty calmly walked to the middle of the field school. In that instant, came the laughter of ridicule from his friends. Ah, it turns out he was worked over his friends, especially from one of the gangs in schools have often bullying practices against Whitney. This case seems trivial then sticking in various media, especially online media, and invite sympathy from various circles. Practice repression rampant in schools these days is make all parties feel hot.

A lot of people are touched to see suffering Whitney. In fact, more than 1,000 people came to his house, only to give support to the Whitney. They then make Facebok page to support Whitney Kropp. In a short time, 44,000 people clicked Like on the Facebook page. Even local governments helped to provide support, including replacing the entire cost of purchasing the dress and shoes that have been issued Whitney, up to the cost of care salon and dinner when the party was held.

Debbie Piscitella Arrested For Child Advocate

This story is also an excess of the treatment of bullying in schools. McKenna (13 years old) every day derided his school friends, with negative comments on social media Facebook. Every time status updates, friends often insulted in the media that are free to read other people. Sometimes, his friends talked about McKenna in their status.

Actually McKenna had complained the matter to the school, even reported to the police with article also cyber-bullying, but never got a response. The mother, Debbie Piscitella, eventually acting alone. When the streets in a mall in St Petersburg, Florida, USA, Debbie directly strangling 14-year-old teenager ABG, which is none other than her school friends, and most industrious doing the bullying against McKenna.

No thanks to this treatment, the guy responsible was reported to the police. Debbie was detained, and this invites an incredible reaction among observers of education, even government officials and senators. "As soon see teenagers who often insulted my son, I was so emotional and the reflexively strangle him," Debbie said defensively.

But because this case in the blow-up all-out by a number of social media, such as the police continue giddy this case. After bail, Debbie was released, and was writing a statement of regret was strangled bullies against her. "I really can not bear to see my daughter always blame myself, because every day received negative comments that," said Debbie.

To eliminate bullying around the world, people should also participate, not just the government, and not just people who care. Victims also should dare to act for its own security. Anti-bullying action can be initiated in everyday environments, including at school, at home, and in the recreation area.

At school, what should be done the victims is to discuss them with their parents as well as the courage to face the people who oppress them, not in a way that rough and that could lead to new problems, but the true and full control. Besides parents and teachers should also help children to deal with their bullying problem, and of course to educate them that revenge is not the right choice.

People should know that the repression is still happening in schools today. The school teacher may never witnessed firsthand the oppression, but this does not stop these actions in the school environment. Same thing with the parents, are you sure that your child is feeling safe and okay at school?

Therefore, awareness of bullying must be improved! Begin to act and speak to the children around you. Begin to care and Meet with teachers and school administrators that the oppression that often occur eventually be discontinued. Without the courage to talk to anyone, the changes will not be obtained in this world. Let us stop the oppression from now on! Stop generation of young people who will continue to suffer because of the action of bullying which is not yet fully under our control!